
Perfil de Yhjung


Nombre Young-Ho
Ciudad College Station
País natal KR Corea
País actual US Estados Unidos
Edad 34
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
JA Japonés




Hi! My name is Young-Ho.
I am a graduate student in United States currently.
My first language is Korean but my English is good enough to communicate.
I am looking for Japanese friend who is interested in Korean language and/or culture.
Recently I become interested in Japanese language and Japan after watching some Youtube videos made by a Korean husband and a Japanese wife.
Regardless of political and historical issues between Korean and Japanese government I believe we can be good friends since we share a lot of common things in our culture.
Although my Japanese is just beginner level, I can learn fast.
Feel free to contact to me if you are interested in.

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Nombre Young-Ho
Ciudad College Station
País actual US Estados Unidos
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
JA Japonés
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