
Perfil de Yeaeun


Nombre Jung
Ciudad Doha
País natal KR Corea
País actual QA Qatar
Edad 35
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
AR Árabe



Hi my name is Yeaeun but you can call me Yenny or Kay for your convenience. I am native Korean living in Doha,Qatar for my husband's job. I am in the last process of achieving teaching korean for foreign learners, so I want to share my knowledge and communicate with those who want to learn it. Also, since I live in Qatar I have been curious about Arabic and its culture I want to learn about. If there are people who are interested in Korean and who want to share in English or teaching basic Arabic , feel free to contact. Especially those who live in Qatar, Welcome!

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Nombre Jung
Ciudad Doha
País actual QA Qatar
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
AR Árabe
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