
Perfil de Skmcdowelljr


Nombre Keith
Ciudad Louisville
País natal US Estados Unidos
País actual US Estados Unidos
Edad 51
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica ES Español
ZH Chino (Mandarín)
DE Alemán



Hello, I am Keith McDowell a native English speaker from Louisville, KY in the United States. Kentucky is the home to the fast 2-minute race in the world called the Kentucky Derby.

For the past 21 years, I've worked in the IT industry and also have taught Computer science courses at the university level.

Native English speaker
Spanish (en español yo puedo hablar y escribir B2/C1 )
German (A2/B1)
Chinese -- Beginner

Hobbies included Microphotography, language learning, movies, cooking, camping... love camping and hiking and of course traveling.

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Nombre Keith
Ciudad Louisville
País actual US Estados Unidos
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