
Perfil de Ryanjacs


Nombre Ryan
Ciudad San Petersburgo
País natal CA Canadá
País actual RU Rusia
Edad 29
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica RU Ruso



Hello, I am a student from Canada studying Russian in Saint-Petersburg. I am hoping to find someone who can help me with my Russian, and who I can help with their English whether colloquial or formal. English is my native language, and I have a TESL certificate. I would say that my Russian is lower-intermediate level; I understand written Russian quite well, but struggle when speaking. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Nombre Ryan
Ciudad San Petersburgo
País actual RU Rusia
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica RU Ruso
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