
Perfil de Poloduk


Nombre Duckho Lee
Ciudad Gangnam-Gu
País natal KR Corea
País actual KR Corea
Edad 43
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés



I am an office worker living in Korea.

I work for a foreign company, but I'm not good at English.
So I wish I had a foreign friend.

And I can teach Korean well for you.
Not textbook, but I'll teach you how to talk.

I hope to meet you through a video meeting. If possible, offline is good too!

I hope you can meet a good friend!

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Nombre Duckho Lee
Ciudad Gangnam-Gu
País actual KR Corea
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!