
Perfil de Miseon0711


Nombre jamie
Ciudad Melbourne
País natal KR Corea
País actual AU Australia
Edad 30
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo JA Japonés
KO Coreano
ZH Chino (Mandarín)
Idioma que practica ZH Chino (Mandarín)
EN Inglés
ZC Chino (Cantonés)




hi i am i live in melbourne
i am jamie ,26 years old
i d' like to make a lot of foreigner friend
and i like to a lot of countrys culture
and i like study language
if you want friend with me
or you want study korean or japanese
i can teach you!
please guve your tex!^^
if u have a kakao talk
i will wait your tex^^

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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!