
Perfil de Linita


Nombre Cristina
Ciudad Granada
País natal ES España
País actual ES España
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo ES Español
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
IT Italiano
JA Japonés
PT Portugués
EL Griego (moderno)



Hi there! ¡Hola! Ciao! Halli hallo! こんにちは! Zdravo!

I'm a physicist currently looking for a PhD and studying languages.
Right now I'm most interested in improving my English pronunciation. In particular I'm looking for a pronunciation exchange with someone from Britain, female if possible! I can help you with your Spanish pronunciation (andalusian or standard Spanish).

I'm also interested in learning some Japanese, Greek and Portuguese. As well as mastering my Italian. My Italian level is advanced, and I'm a Spanish native speaker, so I'll be happy to teach you Spanish or italian :D I can also speak English fluently.

I like nature, drawing, poetry, costume making (cosplay), board games, tabletop role-playing games, playing cello, and much more!

I live a healthy lifestyle (I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs or anything similar) and I'm looking to meet people who also live a healthy lifestyle :)

You can write me an email and we'll be in touch ^^ I'm avaiable to Skype/Discord.

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Nombre Cristina
Ciudad Granada
País actual ES España
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!