
Perfil de Langston


Nombre Catherine
Ciudad Montreal
País natal CA Canadá
País actual CA Canadá
Edad 72
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica FR Francés



Hi. I'm Catherine; I live in Montreal and want to improve my spoken French through conversation with a native french speaker. Although a senior, I'm physically active with dance, hiking, canoeing, etc. and keep mentally alert with travel, painting, reading, etc. Politics, social issues, the natural environment, psychology - just about everything interests me. Plus, bonus! - Having taught English professionally for many years, I can pinpoint another person's verbal bloops and help them improve.
It's possible for me to meet in person to do a language exchange, but would actually prefer an online platform to meet, like Zoom. Hope to meet you soon!

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Nombre Catherine
Ciudad Montreal
País actual CA Canadá
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica FR Francés
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