
Perfil de Helenaes


Nombre Elena
Ciudad Granada
País natal ES España
País actual ES España
Edad 36
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo ES Español
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
DE Alemán


Facebook XXXXXXX


Hi everyone! I have been a member of Hellolingo, (Sharedtalk, Sharedlingo...) for many years and I have had many good experiences during that time. So, I'm here to resumed my language exchanges. I'm a Spanish teacher and I would like to practise English and German with people all around the world. Of course, I'll do my best to help you with your Spanish :-)

NOTE: For those interested in learning Spanish, I have created a Facebook group called "Help with Spanish Grammar". Feel free to join and ask whatever you need!

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Nombre Elena
Ciudad Granada
País actual ES España
Idioma nativo ES Español
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
DE Alemán
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