
Perfil de Han425


Nombre Hang
Ciudad Ámsterdam
País natal CN China
País actual NL Países Bajos
Edad 26
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo ZH Chino (Mandarín)
Idioma que practica NL Neerlandés (u holandés)
EN Inglés


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi all, I am a PhD candidate living in Amsterdam. My native language is Chinese (Mandarin) and I hope find a language partner to improve my oral English. In return, I would love to help you learn Chinese. Also, I am interested in learning some Basic Dutch and get involved here better. Het spijt me, Ik ben een dom appel en Ik spreek geen Nederlands :)
In daily life, I love travelling, photography, cooking, swimming, badminton, hiking and maybe more! It would be great if we can chat in person and practicing our languages by sharing the hobbies, experience, cultures, etc. Feel free to contact me here or via Insta!

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Nombre Hang
Ciudad Ámsterdam
País actual NL Países Bajos
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!