
Perfil de Gumi_zhan


Nombre Gulnaz
Ciudad Тараз
País natal KZ Kazajstán
País actual KZ Kazajstán
Edad 21
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo KK Kazajo (o kazajio)
RU Ruso
Idioma que practica EN Inglés



I am a student at Astana International University. The first course. My profession is an English teacher. Therefore, I want to learn English. In the future, I want to travel and speak different languages ​​fluently. I love hanging out with friends or just watching netflix at home. I used to love to draw and sing, but now I have stopped. I also have acting skills. I have always played the lead role in school plays. I really like this. I hope that we will become friends with you and help each other in the development of the language

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Nombre Gulnaz
Ciudad Тараз
País actual KZ Kazajstán
Idioma nativo KK Kazajo (o kazajio)
RU Ruso
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!