
Perfil de Fraeuleinsusi


Nombre Cindy
Ciudad Atenas
País natal DE Alemania
País actual GR Grecia
Edad 36
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo DE Alemán
EN Inglés
Idioma que practica EL Griego (moderno)



I am from Germany and my English is pretty solid, too. Currently, I am living in Athens to do some research for my PhD and I would love to learn some Greek, at least basic conversation skills (gosh, do I feel bad ordering my pita in English). I am interested in Greek history and politics, music (nothing fancy, mostly classic rock), all kinds of food, philosophizing, and alternative culture.

In return, I am willing to share my insights into the wonders of German language, culture, history, and politics.

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Nombre Cindy
Ciudad Atenas
País actual GR Grecia
Idioma nativo DE Alemán
EN Inglés
Idioma que practica EL Griego (moderno)
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