
Perfil de Cjm1201


Nombre Craig
Ciudad Praga
País natal US Estados Unidos
País actual CZ República Checa
Edad 64
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica CS Checo



I am a recently retired high school math and science teacher, who is now living in Prague to study Czech at Charles University for two semesters! This has been my dream, since my first visit to the Czech Republic in 2002.

I have my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate, and I have taught conversational English in the Czech Republic during the summers of 2012-2016 at the International Summer Language School in Plzen. Most of my students were young adults and university students who were there because they wanted to learn English. I really enjoyed my time teaching there. Most of my friends here in the Czech Republic are younger than I am, which keeps my attitude and outlook on life positive.

I would be happy to practice English with you in exchange for torturing you with my bad Czech. ;-)

There are so many wonderful places in Prague to meet up for a chat and kavu, caj nebo pivo, let's do it! :-)

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Nombre Craig
Ciudad Praga
País actual CZ República Checa
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica CS Checo
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