
Haitiano Intercambio de idiomas

  1. Intercambio de idiomas
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  3. 🇭🇹 Haitiano


Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
My name is Mel. I am a college student learning Korean. I want to make Korean friends online and in my area. I like to watch Kdramas, listen to music, work out, rollerskate, gymnastics.
Idioma nativo :  Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Japonés
Hello, My name is Kevely. I'm 29 years old and I live in Tours, in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn French and Haitian in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hello, My name is eli. I'm 20 years old and I live in in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, French and Haitian in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hello! My name is Djesica, I'm 21 years and live in New York for the moment. I have an interest in cultures and languages in general but Korean is the one that fascinated me the most. I have been trying to learn the language but I get lazy sometimes or find it hard to learn the grammar. I'm a person who learn languages easier by speaking them with native speakers, That's how I learned French and English. So I'm looking for a friend who can help me learn it and stop me from being lazy, i can also help whoever need help with any of the languages I speak😊. Add me on one of the social media accounts if interested. Let's learn together 🤗
Idioma que practica :  Hausa
My name is bolukush666 and I’m from Nigeria looking for a friend in random countries
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Italiano, Chino (Mandarín), Ruso
Hello I am Shamma, 19, Law student. I would like to practice my mandarin Russian and Italian and I can help you with French, English and Haitian Creole.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Somalí, Amhárico
Hello guys! My name is Hewan, I'm living in France but I'm from Ethiopia. I speak French English and Haitian creol. I'm looking for someone who could help me to learn Somali language or Amharic language. I'll never judge you, cause I'm not like that. I'm just here for help you and maybe become friends. I let's u write me if you need any information or need help.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi my name is Madelie but I go by Maddy and in Korean it’s 마디. I enjoy writing, eating and sleeping and being and hanging out with the ones I love. I believe in God being first in my life.Im a introvert that used to work with patients but now I work at a hospital behind the scenes.I love music😍.So much more to know . Message me .😌.I have always been interested in asian culture. I’ve known French but as they say use it or lose it so I’m slowly learning again because I’m sure I’ll get back to it., I know creole and have been interested in watching and reading shows that are outside of what an American girl my age would watch.Either it be Spanish soaps or Thai shows or Chinese I had been learning mandarin when I was younger but the alphabet was too difficult for me then I started watching Korean shows which of course started with dramas and I fell in love with the language itself. 한글 .After that I am determined to include it as language that I love under my language belt.I also hope that as language exchange partners that we could also be friends. I’m not looking for short term friends.
Idioma nativo :  Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hello, My name is Maurane. I'm 24 years old and I live in Lyon, in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn French and Haitian in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés, Haitiano
Idioma que practica :  Chino (Mandarín), Coreano, Japonés
Hello, I'm a student looking for language partners to help me better my language skills. I can speak Japanese and I am currently learning Mandarin and Korean on my own. I like cooking, listening to music, taking pictures and traveling. i would greatly appreciate it if you can help me.