
Boca Raton Intercambio de idiomas

  1. Intercambio de idiomas
  2. > Ciudad >
  3. Boca Raton


Idioma nativo :  Español
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hola a tod@s. Me llamo Maria y me gustaría practicar y mejorar mi ingles y al mismo tiempo colaborar a mejorar tu español. Si te interesa un intercambio conmigo, escríbeme. Hi everyone. My name is Maria and I would like to practice and improve my English and at the same time help you improve your Spanish. If you are interested in an exchange with me, write to me.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Húngaro
I am a retired physician living in Florida. I have been to Hungary several times and decided to study Hungarian again in my free time. I love to go bicycling and enjoy the good weather here.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Hebreo, Japonés, Ruso, Alemán
hello my name is Spencer I am 19 I want to learn Russian and I can read and write Hebrew but can not speak it only the bare minimum from my bar mitzvah native language is English i have a discord SlumpedSpencer#5064
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Español
I am a business student in South Florida. I have taken two semesters of a language as required by the university. I chose to take Spanish and though I have passed the required classes. I still have in interest in the language and would like to grow my profiency.