
Reggio Emilia Intercambio de idiomas

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Idioma nativo :  Italiano
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Japonés
Salve a tutti, sono qua per conoscere qualcuno che mi possa aiutare nel mio giapponese ormai abbandonato da un po di anni e a perfezionare e migliorare il mio inglese, ho 30 anni e sono italiano:)
Idioma nativo :  Italiano, Portugués
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hi, I'm italian, 42 years old, and I'd like to awake and improve my english. I work as a marketing specialist, and my objective is to achieve a good level in conversation. I may help you with italian language as a native speaker and L2 teacher aswell (I teach italian as a 2nd language to brazilians since 2011). See You! :)
Idioma nativo :  Árabe, Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Francés
hello I speak English and Arabic ,need to practice in French conversation, and Ican help in english
Idioma nativo :  Italiano, Georgiano, Ruso
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hello, my name is Nana ,i'm an intercultural mediator and currently i live in Italy. I'd like to improve mi english speaking skills, and at the same time i'd be glad to help you with improving your russian or georgian languages. So contact me if you are interested. Good luck
Idioma nativo :  Italiano
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi! My name is Chiara, but for my friends I'm Kookie or Kikka. I wont to be your friends! Please, write me!
Idioma nativo :  Italiano
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hi my name is Chiara . I'm 16 and I live in Italy