
Intercambio de idiomas

  1. Intercambio de idiomas
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Idioma nativo :  Japonés
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hello, My name is Hiroko and I live in Tokyo, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Español
Idioma que practica :  Alemán, Japonés
Hi I'm Tony I wish to improve my Japanese conversation skills and make friends with anyone. (日本語があまりうまくなです) I also would like to learn some German and Italian. I can help you practice English or Spanish Feel free to message me!
Idioma nativo :  Japonés
Idioma que practica :  Chino (Taiwanés)
我是學中文的日本人 我的興趣是學習中文 我喜歡聽中文音樂 可是我的中文還不好 請多多指教
Idioma nativo :  Español, Francés
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hola, me llamo Celso y vivo en Ourense, me gustaría intercambiar mis idiomas español y francés por inglés de forma presencial que es más vivo y enriquecedor para ambas partes y si no es posible entonces on-line. Me gusta el senderismo y la bicicleta. Si estas interesado/a no dudes en escribirme. Muchas gracias por leerme.
Idioma nativo :  Español
Idioma que practica :  Italiano, Inglés
Hola! Tengo 60 años.Estoy estudiando italiano, y cuando era adolescente estudié inglrs. Me gustaría contactar con personas nativas de Italia y/o Inglaterra para poder practicar italiano e inglés. Y que a su vez tengan ganas de practicar español. Nos vemos!
Idioma nativo :  Español
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Rumano, Ruso, Portugués
Hello, My name is Carlos and I live in in Spain. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English, Romanian, Russian and Portuguese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Español
Idioma que practica :  Alemán, Italiano, Inglés
Hi everyone! (Hola) I am from sunny Andalucía now living in Cologne. I just started learning German, and my speaking level is still very poor, in the meantime, I'd love to chat with a native English speaker or somebody who speaks English fluently with a perfect accent to improve my pronunciation. I'm about to apply for international jobs, so I want to feel extra confident. I can offer Spanish conversations about anything you need, and there'll be laughs and Spanish recipes. I studied Art, and I currently am a Graphic Designer. I love music, cinema, food, nature, design, and lots of things we can find out just by chatting ;)
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Chino (Mandarín)
Hi there, I'm Jerry. My parents are Chinese but I grew up in Canada. My English is better than most locals. My Mandarin however, is not great. I'm currently working at a casino and there are a lot of Chinese guests. I would like to improve my Mandarin. I would be happy to help you learn English in exchange, I have tutored people before. Send me a message!
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Persa
Hello, I live in England and I love to learn languages. I am currently learning Farsi, but I am only just beginning to learn it. I enjoy ice skating and water sports. I have two children and I spend most of my time with my husband and my children.
Idioma nativo :  Persa
Idioma que practica :  Alemán
Hallo zusammen ich heiße Aida und lerne gerne Deutsch. Meinr Meinung nach, dass mit einer Muttersprache zu sprechen und trainieren ist der beste Weg ,um die lernende Sprache zu verbessern. Ich freue mich mit ihnen auf Deutsch sprechen und kann Ihne dabei helfen Ihr Persisch verbessern.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Italiano
Hi guys I am Italian, I hope to make some friends here If u have IG add me Ramms.alek
Idioma nativo :  Griego (moderno)
Idioma que practica :  Español, Inglés
I am here hoping to meet interesting people. Travelling is my favourite pastime. I am most interested in practicing Spanish but I would never say no to an interesting conversation in English.
Idioma nativo :  Japonés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
2021年03月〜韓国語を勉強し始めました(独学) 毎日勉強して韓国語がもっとわかるようになりたいです K-POP、韓流ドラマ、韓国料理、が好きです 初めて利用するのでよくわからない事もありますが、よろしくお願いします 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 잘 부탁드려요
Idioma nativo :  Chino (Mandarín)
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Italiano, Alemán
Hello! My name is Lily. Hoping to make friends to have regular chat with. I got teaching experience and plenty of free time so would be happy to help you with Mandarin Chinese (mother tongue). I am looking forward to improving my conversation skills in English (advanced level) and German (just a beginner). I enjoy experiencing culture and life in different countries and have been to UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea etc. My dream is to travel around the world. My other hobbies are reading, movies, sports, gardening and cooking.
Idioma nativo :  Catalán, Español
Idioma que practica :  Japonés
Hello, My name is Juli and I live in Barcelona, in Spain. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Catalan and Spanish in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Francés
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Hello, My name is DmhDmh. I'm 21 years old and I live in in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn French in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Japonés
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Alemán
Hello, My name is Aki and I live in in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Francés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano, Italiano
Hi! I'm Johanna Massena, a 20-year-old from Cameroon. I'm fluent in English and French and currently learning Korean. I'm looking for a language exchange partner and maybe a new friend. Feel free to reach out! 안녕하세요! 저는 카메룬에서 온 20살 조한나 마세나입니다. 영어와 프랑스어에 능숙하고 현재 한국어를 배우고 있습니다. 언어 교환 파트너와 새로운 친구를 찾고 있어요. 편하게 연락주세요!
Idioma nativo :  Coreano
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Indonesio
Hello, I am Areum living in Korea. I'm planning to go to America as a nurse, so I need to practice speaking English as much as possible. In return, I will help you practice Korean. If you’re interested in learning Korean and helping me improve my English speaking, don’t hesitate to leave me a message. It would be great if we could meet regularly online.
Idioma nativo :  Portugués
Idioma que practica :  Inglés, Español, Italiano, Coreano, Catalán
Hello, my name is Wallyson, I just graduated from Uni. I'm also passionate about language learning, I'm looking for a native speaker to practise my English (B2) or Italian (C1) with, in return I can help with Portuguese. No dating, but friendship would be nice, if you're a serious learner don't hesitate to message me. I'm a beginner (A2) in Korean, so I still can't speak it. Principiante en castellano y català :) Favourite topics/hobbies: languages, tv shows, accents, culture, books, exercising, sports (football, volleyball, biking), health (physical and mental), psychology, good food, finances. Ciao, my chiamo Wallyson, ho appena finito l'università, sono appassionato per l'apprendimento delle lingue, cerco qualcuno con cui praticare il mio inglese (B2) e il mio italiano (C1), posso aiutarti con il portoghese. Se sei uno studente serio mandami un messaggio.