
Perfil de Yangzhan


Nombre yangzhan
Ciudad Changchun
País natal CN China
País actual CN China
Edad 27
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo ZH Chino (Mandarín)
Idioma que practica EN Inglés



Hi, there is 杨湛 from China, and you can call me with my English name Young too. I like English and if I could speak or reading it currently and smoothly, it will be nice. I’ll push myself for the target and if you are learning Chinese now, we can improve our language skills through the web, if we have a lot of characters in common maybe we can make friends!

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Nombre yangzhan
Ciudad Changchun
País actual CN China
Idioma nativo ZH Chino (Mandarín)
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
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