
Perfil de Tomman


Nombre Thomas
Ciudad Brooklyn
País natal US Estados Unidos
País actual US Estados Unidos
Edad 33
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
PT Portugués
Idioma que practica RU Ruso



I'm Thomas,

I love learning languages and traveling. I'm currently studying Russian, but I've also studied Spanish, French, Portuguese and Vietnamese in the past.

I'm a teacher of sorts; I put out an educational podcast designed for intermediate English Language learners who want to practice their listening skills and their pronunciation skills. It's about American Culture.

I like photography, film, reading, working out, playing music and more.

I'd love to meet a friend on here to do stuff and learn both our target languages at the same time!

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Nombre Thomas
Ciudad Brooklyn
País actual US Estados Unidos
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
PT Portugués
Idioma que practica RU Ruso
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