
Perfil de Numbers2x


Nombre 이한솔
Ciudad Daedeok
País natal KR Corea
País actual KR Corea
Edad 26
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés



I'm a student at university in Korea. My major is mechanical engineering and I have studied English because I have planned to study abroad in graduate school. You know, because of corona virus, our life is getting stuck so I wanna study and talk to each other at home on the internet or Kakaotalk (if you can use this app :) ). I can teach and help you to learn Korean. Feel free to ask about Korean cultures and Koreans anytime.

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Nombre 이한솔
Ciudad Daedeok
País actual KR Corea
Idioma nativo KO Coreano
Idioma que practica EN Inglés
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