
Perfil de Ndrootan


Nombre Andrew
Ciudad Lenoir City
País natal MY Malasia
País actual UM Islas Ultramarinas Menores de los Estados Unidos
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica JA Japonés



I'm looking for someone to practice Japanese with, i started a few months ago, but I've been practicing everyday. I can also help you with English. If you in the same area, we can meet up. We could even do Skype calls if It's inconvenient

About myself - I'm an Animator for video games. I workout/train everyday, I do mainly Gymnastics Strength Training and Brazilian Jiu Jit Su. I also like playing video games

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Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica JA Japonés
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