
Perfil de Lelallesh


Nombre lela
Ciudad Stuttgart
País natal AL Albania
País actual DE Alemania
Edad 24
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
SQ Albanés
Idioma que practica TR Turco
DE Alemán



I am lela 21 years old . I came here in germany to study but for this i need a good german .Its hard to find work in a country without knowing its language . i can understand a lot in german but I find hard to speak it . I can speak albanien fluent and english really good , so i would be happy to help you too. I want learn turkish beacuse its interesting for me and i like its culture . I like talking about books movies and economy .

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Nombre lela
Ciudad Stuttgart
País actual DE Alemania
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
SQ Albanés
Idioma que practica TR Turco
DE Alemán
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