
Perfil de Kimono


Nombre Kimberly
Ciudad Lakeland
País natal US Estados Unidos
País actual US Estados Unidos
Edad 24
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica ZH Chino (Mandarín)
KO Coreano



Hi my name is Kimberly. I am currently learn Chinese and would like to improve and have someone to help me study. I am really fascinated with korean culture and language. I want someone to teach me the basics of korean and be patient with me please ???????? I may not know much about the korean language but I believe that i will learn it with perseverance. If you want to learn English then text me I would be happy to help even if your English is very poor. Please only 16-20 year olds as I am only 17.
16-20 only. Please don’t text me if you are older than 20 I don’t feel comfortable talking to people who are way above my age

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Nombre Kimberly
Ciudad Lakeland
País actual US Estados Unidos
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
Idioma que practica ZH Chino (Mandarín)
KO Coreano
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!