
Perfil de Jazbec


Nombre Matija
Ciudad Liubliana
País natal SI Eslovenia
País actual SI Eslovenia
Edad 27
Sexo Hombre
Idioma nativo SL Esloveno
Idioma que practica KO Coreano



Hey! My name's Matija. I'm 23 years old and I'm from Slovenia. English isn't my native language, but I can speak it pretty good. I'm learning Korean, so I'd be happy to speak English to anyone who would want to practice his/her English skills and give me an opportunity to polish my rusty Korean skills. ALSO, I am doing research for my thesis about individualism and honbap restaurants in Seoul. I'd be thankful if we could use this language exchange opportunity to talk about these topics!

Other than that, I like listening to music, playing guitar (or drums if I have the chance), watercolor painting, reading books, eating, hanging out with friends.

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Nombre Matija
Ciudad Liubliana
País actual SI Eslovenia
Idioma nativo SL Esloveno
Idioma que practica KO Coreano
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