
Perfil de Ds7777


Nombre d
Ciudad San Francisco
País natal US Estados Unidos
País actual US Estados Unidos
Edad 48
Sexo Mujer
Idioma nativo EN Inglés
PL Polaco
Idioma que practica ES Español
PT Portugués
PL Polaco
UK Ucraniano



I would like to connect with other people to talk about AI, maybe website building (I am working on an online project right now). Would you like to suggest a subject that you would like to talk about? Technology is my passion but Artificial Intelligence is changing our world behind the scenes without us even realizing. What do you think?
I lived abroad most of my adult life, mostly in US (half of that time in NYC and another half in California where I live now) but I will be traveling to Poland soon (probably sometime this year).

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Nombre d
Ciudad San Francisco
País actual US Estados Unidos
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