
Las Piñas Intercambio de idiomas

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  3. 🇵🇭 Las Piñas


Idioma nativo :  Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Japonés
Hello Im looking for someone to be my language partner to learn Japanese language. Thank you in advance.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi! I'm dimple, from Philippines. 24 years old. I'm really interested learning Korean language and make friends with Korean people most preferably girls. In exchange I can teach in English.
Idioma nativo :  Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Japonés, Japonés
I want to learn Japanese language. Till up to now even I'm already 38 my aspiration to know Japanese language was still here in my heart. I love to sing Japanese and my favorite singers are misia and ai. I love to watch Anime too specially Slam dunk 😍.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Japonés
My name is Rita. I am by profession a Registered Nurse here in the Philippines. However, by stroke of luck I managed to get a job and worked for British Gas for more than 7 years. I have retired from the corporate world since then I have reinvented myself as an IELTS coach. Yes, I have passed the required bandwidth to be able to work in Commonwealth countries. My English is very flexible. I can be American and I can be British. If the offer is good, I provide English lessons not limited to children but to Japanese businessmen as well based here in the Philippines. I can provide you references from my previous students. I think they are the best person to give you my profile. Right now, I enjoy travelling and taking pictures. I am a photographer wannabee.Last Sept 30-Oct 8 I visited Kansai region and return to Manila via Tokyo. I must say, Japan is beyond words. I was extremely awe. I promised to return. By default I am a full time Mum,part time Bipolar,multi glorified cook,self proclaimed Wanderlust,Fb junkie...occasional cyclist,Injured Runner,Mount Eateenering passion-nista,Old school fashionista,50 year old and counting....
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Coreano, Tailandés
Hi, I'm heba alraisi, just call me cali for short. I'm from philippines, half american half pinay. I'm practicing korean,thai and chinese, but i prefer to study korean and thai first. I love swimming, sports,basketball(I'm not lesbian.) I like to Watch movies. And i hope we can be friends! You can contact me here👇👇👇
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano, Chino (Mandarín)
Hello I'm Heba just call me cali!. 15 years old. My language are English,Tagalog. I want to learn Chinese and korean. Help me please. I like playing guitar,violin,tinnes,baseball,basketball,volleyball! Etc. And I can be your friend then if we get close!.
Idioma nativo :  Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Japonés
Hi! I'm Hallid. I want to learn japanese language. Teach me! Arigatoū.
Idioma nativo :  Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
Language learning is fun.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés, Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Japonés
Looking into finding people to practice the Japanese language with. My native tongue is Tagalog, but I can command the English language pretty good as well. よろしくお願い致します。
Idioma nativo :  Filipino (Tagalo)
Idioma que practica :  Japonés, Inglés
A programmer by choice but a musician by heart. I want to learn Japanese because I need it in my work. I also want to write songs in Japanese someday. 日本語を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。