
Dundee Intercambio de idiomas

  1. Intercambio de idiomas
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  3. 🇬🇧 Dundee


Idioma nativo :  Español
Idioma que practica :  Inglés
I would like to practice my english and I would can help to practice other's spanish
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Español
Hello, my name is Elaine and I live in Scotland, UK. I spend a lot of time in Spain and would like to gain a wider vocabulary and improve my spoken Spanish. I am currently studying at level A2 through Duolingo. I am semi-retired. My main hobbies are sewing and knitting, but I also love to travel, to read and learn new skills. I have very good English language skills and would be happy to write to or speak with you to help you improve your knowledge of that language. I look forward to hearing from you.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Chino (Mandarín)
Hi, I am Patrick. I have only just started learning some Mandarin and have never learned another language before. I hope to perhaps spend some time living in China in the next few years and would like to be able to speak the language.
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi there! I am a nursing student from Scotland! I enjoy drawing, reading books, movies, music and animé :) My first language is English but I would love to learn Korean. I'd also like to be of use to anyone that would like to learn English. Please get in touch, and I hope to hear from you soon! :) If you'd like to reach me on kakao or Instagram, feel free to add me!
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Hebreo, Islandés, Gaélico escocés
Heya, I'm originally from St.Louis, Missouri but living in Scotland. I love to draw/paint, Cooking, reading, some travelling, films and all sorts of music. I saw this and thought I 'd try it out. I'm not fluent in Íslenska or Scot's Gaelic, but I know certain words and phrases. I don't know any Hebrew, but I'd like to. That's all for now ✌😊
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Japonés, Coreano
My first language is English but I would love to learn Korean and Japanese.. I'd also like to be of use to anyone that would like to learn English. My hobbies are I love to read, listening to music and watching tv shows. If you'd like to reach me on kakao, feel free to add me!
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Heyy! I'm a K-POP fan looking for an exchange buddy to help me learn Korean! In return I will help improve your English. I'm a writer, so ask any questions you want about English. :)))
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi my name is Kez and I’m a veterinary assistant living in Scotland :) I love travelling and learning about new cultures as well as music, art and photography. I would like to learn Korean as I will soon be travelling around South Korea! I would also like to help anyone who would like to learn English. Feel free to message :)
Idioma nativo :  Inglés
Idioma que practica :  Coreano
Hi my name is Douglas and I live in Scotland. I speak English and have started to learn Korean. I will help you practice English.